Centro Latino was created to serve Latino families and individuals of all ages that live in the Greater Boston area. Over the years, the agency's service area has expanded in terms of both geography and ethnicity.
The agency is headquartered in the City of Chelsea, which has the second largest percentage of Latino residents in the state, after the City of Lawrence. Chelsea's Latino population grew by 88.3% between 1990 and 2000, and today numbers almost 17,000, or 48% of the population. The adjacent communities of East Boston and Revere experienced similar exponential growth in Latino residents.
While the largest proportion of Centro's clients come from Chelsea, today the agency serves constituents from over 25 different communities in the Greater Boston and North Shore areas. The chart below summarizes demographic data for the four communities from which the majority of Centro's clients come, as well as a comparison with statewide data.
As the chart demonstrates, Centro's constituents share many similar socio-economic characteristics as well as challenges. These issues are exacerbated by the large number of newcomers to these communities. In Chelsea, for instance, 36% percent of the residents are foreign born, 58% speak a language other than English at home, and 38% of adults report speaking English "less than very well." A substantial portion of this growing immigrant population has one or more of the following issues to contend with: lack of English language proficiency, limited employment opportunities, high housing costs, and lack of familiarity with local resources and institutions.
It is important to bear in mind, however, that the Latino population also has many strengths, and it is these strengths that Centro Latino de Chelsea seeks to encourage and reinforce, such as:
Strong work ethic and self reliant attitude;
Capacity to provide a bilingual/bi cultural workforce;
Economic and social contributions as the fastest growing minority group in the U.S.;
Optimism and resiliency despite the intense changes in moving to another country;
Deep sense of community and commitment to family, especially extended family.
Our mission is to improve the quality of life and promote the self-determination of Latinos and immigrants in Eastern Mass. through education, health, and social well-being strategies.
Centro Latino's 7th Annual Dance and Auction will take place on Thursday, May 19, 2011, 6:00 pm Anthony's of Malden.
Join us for dinner, music and great auction and raffle prizes to support education and health program for Latinos and immigrants.
Centro Latino de Chelsea • 267 Broadway Chelsea, MA 02150 • (617) 884-3238